Saturday, October 31, 2009
Be innocent like a child @ 1:00 PM
Be innocent
like a child
Knowing nothing about the world,
keep away from bad influences
that your parents told you to &
not following the bad things of what others are doing.
Give up the things of the world,
do not do what's evil.
Since you know that it isn't right to do so,
why do you still do it?
God's love is not in those who love the world.
1John 2:15
Living a life of happiness,
free from worries & sadness,
learning how to accept & forgive others easily
always smiling to others
be it your friends or enemies.
Forgive others
& God will forgive you.
You will be happy
when you leave your problems to God.
Do not worry about what you need.
Matthew 6:25,31
Luke 12:22
God knows what you need so He will provide them to you.
Matthew 6:32-33
Protected by your parents,
when others tried to harm you,
your parents will be there to protect you
from being hurt.
As children of God,
God will cover you with His feathers,
under His wings,
you will find refuge.
Under Your wings, i find refuge.
Psalm 91:4
Obeying your parents,
do not do what your parents told you not to do,
it is for your own good.
You will be blessed if you obey your parents' words.
For your parents' words,
prevent you from harm &
teaching you what's good for you.
Good parents would not ask their children to do what's bad.
God loves those who obeys Him.
1John 2:5
Obey God's words & you will be blessed.
Deutronomy 28:2
Luke 11:28
Obey & follow God's words
and you will not commit any sins.
Enjoying bathing time,
children just enjoy playing with water & soap,
playing with bubbles,
cleaning themselves with water
and making them smell nice nice.
Cover yourself with the blood of Jesus
to cleanse yourself from the things of the world.
Consume mii with the Holy Spirit Fire.
Satisfied with what you are given,
eating what you have been given,
playing the toys that you have,
wearing the clothes that you have
and not asking for more.
Do not be greedy.
A greedy person brings trouble to his family.
Proverbs 15:27
A greedy person stirs up dissension [strong disagreement]
when he don't gain any benefits.
Proverbs 28:25
Greedy people will not inherit the Kingdom of God.
1Corinthians 6:10
Ephesians 5:5
Serve God & don't be greedy for money.
1Peter 5:2
Be excellent at what is GOOD.
Be INNOCENT of evil
like a child.
Your lovely child,
Labels: Be innocent like a child
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Living testimonies of God, we are. @ 2:41 AM
Are you grateful
for what God has done for you?
Created by God, we are.
Being able to live each day,
it's all from God.
This shows how much God loves us.
Your grace & mercy, save us all.
Without Jesus,
man would have extinct
because of our sins.
For sinners, we are.
When we sinned,
we lost our breath of life.
Hence, we are separated from God.
Your Love, Unfailing.
Sacrified Your One & Only Son,
Jesus Christ for us.
Jesus came to earth to fulfill God's plan for Him
which is to die on the cross for our sins.
My Lord & Saviour, Jesus.
Whoever believes in Him,
will not perish but
John 3:16
& streams of living water
flowing from deep within him.
John 7:38
Our breath of life, restored.
Believe & accept
Jesus as Your Lord & Saviour.
When you do so,
your breath of life is restored.
Kingdom of God,
to see it,
we need to go through water baptism
to be reborn again.
John 3:3
to enter,
we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit
& water baptised.
John 3:5
Inheriting the Kingdom of God,
by being righteous, peace & joy
in the Holy Spirit.
Romans 14:17
Live a life worthy of God
that you will be called into God's kingdom & glory.
1Thessalonians 2:12
Poor in the eyes of the world
but rich in faith
are those who can enter the kingdom of God.
James 2:5
Do you know how much we mean to God?
Your praises & glory, we are.
A chosen race,
a royal priesthood,
a holy nation.
1Peter 2:9
Living stones, we are.
Each and every precious living stones
that built a church
for a holy priesthood
to offer spiritual sacrifices.
1Peter 2:5
Part of the church, we are.
Living testimonies of God, each of us are.
That everyone can see that Christ lives in us.
Just like Peter & John.
Acts 4:13
As living testimonies of God,
we can change the hearts of many.
Be the LIGHT that shines in the darkness.
Holy Spirit,
the Spirit of Truth,
who will guides us to the truth.
Holy Spirit
speaks to you
what he hears from God,
either God's words or revelation.
John 13:16
Living in you, the Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirit will be in those
who are filled with the Spirit.
John 14:17
Recognising the Holy Spirit,
when we are filled with the Spirit,
we are able to distinguish
if it is Holy Spirit or evil spirit
for we are from God.
1John 4:6
Love your parents,
Love your husband/wife,
Love your siblings,
Love your enemies as well.
If you don't love them,
how can you say that you love God?
If you cant love what you can see,
how can you love God who cannot be seen with your eyes?
Love embraces all hatred.
You will start forgiving others when you start loving others.
Decisions, we have to make.
Which courses to take in a poly?
Which subject combination to take for Sec 2 streaming?
Who you want to be your boyfriend/girlfriend?
Who you want to marry?
Which CCA to take?
Which job to apply?
What kind of life you want?
We have LOTS of choices
for all these questions above.
here are some that you have ONLY two choices.
Choose between:
God or the world?
Eternal life or not?
Kingdom of God[Heaven] or the things of the world[Hell]?
The RIGHT choice is RIGHT in front of you
whether you choose it or not,
it's up to you.
Always bear this in mind,
'A friend of the world,
is an enemy of God.'
James 4:4
I blogged what i heard from God through the Spirit.
Nothing from man's perspective.
If it is good,
thank God for that. :D
Praise God for His love, grace & mercy.
Thank God for everything that He has provided mii with.
You gave us what man can't give,
Your Love greater than man's love
that's how GREAT Your Love is.
A relationship between two who have God's love in them
will have a sweet and memorable relationship. :D
Labels: Living testimonies of God, we are.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Special, we are @ 10:09 PM
Special, we are
To all Christians,
be thankful for being able to be a Christian.
His call,
brought us out of darkness,
into His marvelous light.
We are a chosen race,
a royal priesthood, a holy nation.
1Peter 2:9
Live a Christian life,
a life of prayer, praise, worship & thanksgiving.
Some people didnt even get a chance
to know God in their entire lifetime.
Now, do you know how much God loves you?
To backslided Christians,
During 4th Youth Service [24 Oct],
Bro Peter said 'Someone told him that why should i become a Christian?
Some Christians are much worse than mii.'
How would you feel when someone told you that?
Are you living up to the standard of a Christian?
Where have your eagerness for God gone to?
Give up the things of the world.
A friend of the world is an enemy of God.
James 4:4
A word of reminder,
you all should know that
not all Christians can enter the Kingdom of God.
Study, Follow & Obey
God's words.
That's what you need.
Frankly speaking,
it saddens mii to see Christians
speaking vulgarities,
behaving much worse than non-Christians,
who bad-mouthed one another,
gossiping bad about others,
who have no love for one another,
still loving the things of the world..
I don't want to see any of you losing your salvation.
Aniont mii, bless mii
that i can turn sinners
back from their wandering paths
to save their soul from death.
James 5:20
Show the non-Christians miracles,
signs and wonders,
open up the doors of their hearts
& touch their hearts with Your Unfailing Love,
lead them out of darkness
to Your marvelous light.
Strengthen the faith of Christians who backslided,
show them Your love for them,
give them a heart of eagerness for You,
make them realise that You are all that they need.
With the hearts of all GO4 youths to eager for God,
that's when our bonding is the STRONGEST.
For our love for one another is from God.
Labels: Special, we are
Monday, October 19, 2009
post exams @ 2:51 PM
hello! Welcome back (: haha!! Sec2 , going for their post-exams activities tomorrow! Hope God would give you protection (: o levels students , God bless you with wisdom! (: We will have outing to Sentosa soon! And also 4th youth service! pray people! 1 chapter a day keeps the devil away! Sec2 people, please thank God for exams over, and also wisdom for the teachers that scolded you and also now making the papers! (: Dont bear anger and make this anger into violence, before the sun set.[should be] something similar can already! (; For sec4 and 5, " I can do all thing through Him who gives me strength" Philippains 4:13 (; The Kids Zeo ministry memoery verse! ((; Anyway , remember the Lord is with you always, and plus give thanks too (:
XinyiLabels: post exams
Friday, October 9, 2009
KeyBoard Lesson @ 11:11 PM
Yo Peeps!~
Exams are all coming to end. So is our stress level...
Well Sec4s who are taking O Levels! Jia You! May God Bless You!!!
Well By Next week ( Friday) My exams are all over!!!
On that Sunday which is Next Sunday...
I am free to stay back after Prayer Session/ CG/ Mentoring
And can teach anyone who feels like learning keyboard...
While some can go learn guitar or whatever... hohoho!~
Thats All!~ God Bless You!!!
P.S: Yi Sheng sorry for making you wait~~
KJExpressway =D