Monday, July 7, 2008
Psalm 8 (remix) @ 3:02 PM
These are the Psalms written by 2 groups of people during our last youth prayer meeting. (unfortunately, I dun have the one which is written by the guy's group.)
Psalm 8 (remix) (Girls Gp 1)
1O Lord, our God,
how awesome is your name in GO4 church!
2 You have given us many blessings
3 You have given us food and shelter
4 You have taken care if us
5 You have sent Jesus to save us from our sins.
6 From the lips of the youths and young people,
you have ordained praise.
7 When we consider your glory, we give You Praise.
8 When we recall what Jesus have done for us,
9 When we think about Jesus when He died on the cross,
10 When we reflect on Your forgiveness,
11 We say, ‘How could You our King died for us?’
‘Why You so good to us ah?
12 You made us in Your perfect image
13 You made us Holy and righteous
14 How can we respond to such a wonderful God?
15 We want to praise You
16 And we want to lift Your name high
17 We want to dance for You
18 And we want to love You
19 O Lord, our God,
how awesome is your name in GO4 church!
Psalm 8 (remix) (Girls Gp 2)1O Everlasting, our Saviour,
how great is your name in GO4 church!
2 You have changed my life
3 You have created me
4 You have suffered for me
5 You have blessed me
6 From the lips of the youths and young people,
you have ordained praise.
7 When we consider Your creation
8 When we recall the forgiveness of sins
9 When we think about Your love
10 When we reflect on Your holiness
11 We say, ‘Why have You sacrified Yourself for us?’
‘Why are You always so good to us?
12 You made us full of joy and laughter
13 You made us pure and Holy
14 How can we respond to such a wonderful God?
15 We want to jump
16 And we want to shake
17 We want to shout
18 And we want to clap our hands
19 O Everlasting, our Saviour,
how great is your name in GO4 church!
From Pastor Evan @ 2:30 PM
hi all,
This is the first time I entered into this blog. It's pretty cool to have a blog like this. Specially, want to thank those who are maintaining this blog. Now, I'm feeling kindof weird becoz this is the first time i wrote for a blog. I never done this b4. Thks to KXY who teach me how to do it.
juz wanna tell u tat i'm excited at wat God is doing at GO4YM. Notice tat ur sunday class is getting bigger. Also last Sat, we have about 20 pple who came. That was the highest record we have so far. Thks to all who brought ur friends. Well, I'm still praying if u should start a cell gp on Sat, on those days we are not having the youth prayer mtg. Tat will encourage more pple to come, and experience God more. My dream and prayer to God is that one day, we will have youth prayer mtg every Sat, and a Joe Ministry Youth Conference every month!!!! How about that?
this morning as I was praying for YM and for each of u, i have a word from the Lord about what our Dec camp is going to be. God revealed to me something that was very clear. He revealed to me even the dates of the camp. When I checked with the calendar, I saw that the dates fall exactly on Mon to Fri. The theme I received is something like 'REVIVAL'. So we are going to have a 5 days revival camp. I also asked God to give us 35 people this time. But I really need everyone to pray together with me on this.
Unfortunately, i still haven't got anything from the Lord for September. I'm still praying if we should have a 2 days training camp, or juz an outing like BBQ or cycling. So keep this in prayer as well. I will love to how each of u will grow to be super-passionate for God, and be used by Him to super-powerful ways.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
yesterday at the prayer meeting,
my fwens:
crystal,cheyenne,nancy enjoyed the wonderful experience.
but ):
their parents might not allow them to come anymore.
cuz they may not feel comfortable):
i hope you all would pray for them:D
i will pray too.
so sad xinyi nvr come eh ):
byebye loveee:D